The Talia Seidman Foundation is a 501(c)3 Registered Charity and is run by a body of volunteers. 100% of all donations are used to purchase equipment and services to support homebound, medically fragile children.
We accept and appreciate all donations which can be made by sending a check made out to
'The Talia Seidman Foundation'
1471 Makefield Road,
Yardley, PA 19067
or, you can make an immediate donation by clicking the button below and following the instructions. Thank you!

In loving memory of Talia
1992-1999 |

"Hi, I'm Smiles and I've been expecting you. Welcome to the Talia Seidman Foundation. I'm so glad you found us. At this moment, around the world, there are children lying in a hospital bed or homebound. My job is to bring a smile to their face and comfort to their heart. How did I get so lucky to smile on all these children? That's simple. I owe it all to my best friend Talia.
Talia adopted me into her family on August 4, 1998. It was her first visit to the hospital. While she was waiting to see the Doctor, her mother took her to the gift shop and they just happened to stumble upon me. I was in need of a family. Talia picked me up in her arms and I smiled my best ear to ear smile. From that day on, I was known as Smiles. I took my name seriously and made it my duty in life to always keep Talia smiling.
We were the best of friends. She took me everywhere she went and sometimes to places a bear would never think to go. I went to school and learned how to read and write. I made lots of friends and found out amazing things about the world. We went to museums and miniature golfing. I even went to Hawaii and got to sit with Talia on a helicopter tour and then march in the King Ka Me a Me a parade. Talia brought so many new experiences into my life and I brought friendship and love into hers. Talia and I slept together every night. Sometimes it was in her own bed at home and sometimes it was in a hospital bed in Philadelphia, Boston or New York. In Boston, I even lay next to Talia during her MRI. We were inseparable!
When we were in the hospital, we ate hospital food or special food that was given to us by local organizations, but as soon as we were discharged, we went straight to Burger King. Sometimes, Talia and I would be at the hospital for a very long time, but we were lucky to have each other. We spent a lot of time watching our favorite show, Rugrats and sometimes I Love Lucy. Talia loved to watch TV, but she loved to go to school much more. She missed school when she was in the hospital, but she never stopped learning. Teachers visited us at the hospital with lesson plans for each day and Talia's family brought books and games to engage us in the learning process. I learned a lot from Talia and I miss her so much, but because of Talia I am now the bear that brings smiles to all children everywhere. If you know a child who needs a smile, please take the time to order them a special Smiles Pin or Bracelet so I can smile on them today."
For further information about the TSF program please call Ron Seidman at (215) 519-1993